Westerkamp's Dry Carpet Cleaning
"One Of Cincinnati's Most Respected Floor & Upholstery Specialists"
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Our Environmentally Friendly Services
Stain Removal & Spot Color Repair
Wood, Laminate, Cork & Bamboo Floor Cleaning & Refinishing
Tile & Grout Cleaning & Sealing
Stone Cleaning, Polishing & Sealing
With our method of dry carpet cleaning in Cincinnati. You can continue on with your day with out the wet carpet down time.
Environmentally friendly cleaning products, safe for family and pets.
Recommended and referred by many of the area’s major
carpet retailers, top designers and Realtors.
Our estimates are always free!
Call Today 513 481-6849 or click here and we will contact you.
Pre-inspection - our technician will inspect your areas of concern and advise you of possible permanent staining.
Dry Soil Removal - we thoroughly vacuum your carpet with a commercial vacuum which removes about 80% of bonded dry soil.
Furniture Moving - our Platinum Package in cludes moving your sofas, chairs and tables. (larger pieces such as beds and dressers are left in place with our reguler priceng.) Blocks and tabe are used as needed.
Pre-Spot & Pre-Spray - your high traffic areas and spots are pretreated for more effective soil and spot removal.
Soil Extraction - carpet is then thoroughly cleaned without over wetting the carpet or leaving a sticky residue behind
*** For longer carpet life and fewer permanent stain, be sure to have professional carpet protector applied to your carpet
Post Spot Removal - if any spots are not removed during the cleaning process, specialty spotting techniques are employed. Note: Permanent stains identified by our service technician may not be removed.
Post Grooming - carpet pile is set in one direction for faster drying and visual appeal.
Call Today 513 481-6849 or click here and we will contact you.
When it comes to maintaining your carpet, one of the most critical areas of focus is the traffic areas. If ground in soil is not removed on a regular basis, the traffic areas will begin to wear excessively. The dirt is extremely abrasive against the fibers of the carpet as you walk back and forth on it. The second area of focus of course is spot removal. You must react to “danger” spots immediately. Red wine, red beverages, urine, blood, etc., can cause a permanent stain if not treated immediately.
Listed below are the steps that you must take to properly maintain your carpeting.
Vacuum your carpet often. Once or twice a week as least.
Vacuuming removes the abrasive soil that can cut and slice the
fiber causing premature wear. Much of this soil is not visible
to the eye. Vacuum before the carpet looks soiled. Remove any
loose particles such as food, leaves, pieces of crayon, bugs,
etc., as these items can cause a spot on the carpet.
As a general rule, carpet cleaning by a professional, certified firm should take place about once per year. For extremely heavy traffic areas, cleaning may be required more often. Proper, professional cleaning will not leave a sticky residue behind and can be done as many times per year as needed. Many stain resist warranties require professional cleaning every 2 years. Professional cleaning removes the damaging soil in traffic areas that vacuuming has not been able to remove. Warning: Uninformed carpet cleaners may void your warranty.
Stain resist warranties can vary from 5 to 25 years. All stain resist warranties require regular cleaning and immediate spot removal.
Immediate spot removal is key to a clean carpet. Great care also must be taken in how spot cleaning is performed. When a carpet is new, or has sufficient protector on it, plain tap water will remove many spots. However, for those spots that will not come out with water, you must use a spot cleaner. Select a spot cleaner that is recommended by the carpet manufacturer or your trained, certified professional cleaner.
Most spot removers that are purchased over the counter leave too much soap residue and can cause yellowing. Avoid using foam carpet cleaners or any product that is not made specifically for carpet.
Apply spot cleaner sparingly to white terry cloth and gently massage spot causing it to transfer to the cloth. Never pour spot cleaner directly on carpet. If the product that you are using seems to cause the spot to resoil over a few weeks, discontinue use. For any spot that you are not able to remove, such as pet urine or feces, call us immediately. We will get our services of carpet cleaning in Cincinnati working for you on the spot! ;)
Call Today 513 481-6849 or click here and we will contact you.