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Our Environmentally Friendly Services
Stain Removal & Spot Color Repair
Wood, Laminate, Cork & Bamboo Floor Cleaning & Refinishing
Tile & Grout Cleaning & Sealing
Stone Cleaning, Polishing & Sealing
Environmentally friendly carpet cleaning products.
Recommended and referred by many of the area’s major
carpet retailers, top designers and Realtors.
Our carpet stain removal estimates are always free!
For those ugly spots that will not come out, we can use our carpet stain removal for the toughest carpet stains. If you have spots in the carpet where the color has been removed, we can re-dye the stained spot on your carpet so it's not as noticeable.
Immediate carpet stain removal is key to a clean carpet New carpet has sufficient protector on it, plain tap water will remove many spots. Select a spot cleaner that is recommended by the carpet manufacturer or your trained, certified professional cleaner. Use the free spotter we leave when we cleaned your carpet.
1. Apply spot cleaner sparingly to white terry cloth and gently massage spot causing it to transfer to the cloth.
2. Then use a dry spot on the cloth to pull the pull the liquid. Never pour spot cleaner directly on carpet.
Repeat 1 & 2 until the spot is removed or you no longer see soil on cloth.
Carpet stains or carpet spots that you are not able to remove, such as pet urine or feces, call us immediately. Westerkamp's can provide you with professional dry carpet cleaning and our special carpet stain removal service in Cincinnati.
Carpet Stain Removal Cincinnati Call (513) 481-6849